
I feel like I’m back on an art foundation course this week. I was painting on Monday, printmaking yesterday and today. I’ve done some photography and am booked in to do some filming tomorrow. I’m also arranging for some stone to be carved – sculpture by proxy. My ability to perform these processes also makes me feel like I’m just starting out again.

Many thanks to Justin Sanders for his help in the printroom.




A big thank you to Lee Hale, curator and head of Winterbourne House and gardens, who kindly gave me an introductory lesson on magic lanterns last week. Amongst all its other delights Winterbourne has a collection of magic lanterns and Lee’s passion for the subject ensures that they don’t just collect dust on shelves as the devices are often used for events.

I’m considering using a magic lantern as part of my Final Show work and am looking to buy one but needed a bit of advice on how they work and what problems I may face. Focal lens? Check! Condenser lens? Check! Rack and pinion adjuster? Check! Slide holder? Check! Light source? No.

Here are some images of items in the Winterbourne collection:

magiclantern_1 magiclantern_2 magiclantern_3 magiclantern_5 magiclantern_4

Show Planning

It’s been a while since I last posted but I haven’t been inactive! First there was the Twice Upon A Time ‘conference paper’ that I delivered almost a fortnight ago. That took quite a lot of preparation and left me quite drained afterwards… it went well though and I’ve had several positive comments from staff, fellow students and conference attendees.

A video of my ‘paper’ is available here. Find the Friday film and fast forward to 7 hours in. The film doesn’t have the magic of the actual thing but hopefully you’ll get the idea.

I’ve also been busy planning for my MA Final Show which has an installation deadline of Friday 29th of August. I’ve got a lot of components to detail out and then a reasonable amount of making still to go. As things proceed I will add tasters on these pages so keep tuned in over the run-in.
